martes, 20 de diciembre de 2022

What’s the “Desert Rose Succulent” on Holiday Baking Championship? Amazing tips

Sorry, Food Network, you got it wrong. The succulents that a Holiday Baking finalist sculpted from frosting are not "desert roses"---that's Adenium obesum. Hers were echeverias. Here's why.

Contestant Aishia Martinez, a finalist on TV Food Network's "Holiday Baking Championship" Season 9, referred to the succulents she fashioned to decorate a chocolate tart as "my favorite succulent, the desert rose." This likely sent thousands of viewers to the Internet to learn more about such stunning plants, which on Aishia's confection resemble thick-leaved, blue-gray roses.

Aishia Martinez (Photo: Food Network)

Aishia Martinez (Photo: Food Network)

Aishia is a creative, competent and likable baker, and the Food Network happens to be my favorite channel. I do hope she and the producers forgive me for correcting a minor error: "desert rose"---which is uncommon because it's tricky to grow---looks entirely different from the decorations she created.

The delicate, trumpet-shaped flowers of Adenium obesum are bright shades of red or pink, never blue-gray. Adeniums form branching shrubs with bulbous trunks, slender green leaves, and five-petalled flowers that resemble plumerias. The plants are native to Southern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, and (sorry, Food Network), happen to be poisonous.

Adenium obesum (desert rose succulent) (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Adenium obesum (desert rose succulent)

What Aishia no doubt meant are different, highly popular succulents that do indeed resemble roses and come in the colors she chose. These do not, however, grow in deserts but rather are native to the mountains of Mexico.

There are hundreds of species and cultivars of Echeveria, but two in particular look like Aishia's edible decorations: Echeveria shaviana and Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg'.

Echeveria shaviana

Echeveria shaviana (Photo: Mountain Crest Gardens)


Echeveria 'Perle von Nürnberg'

Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg' (Photo: Mountain Crest Gardens)


Holiday Baking Championship Desert Rose Succulent tart

Screen shot from Holiday Baking Championship, Season 9 finale

There! This may be the only site with the correct info, for those of you who have been searching, searching...and not finding. If so, welcome. You've arrived at the Internet's most comprehensive, non-commercial website dedicated to succulents with an emphasis on design. Feel free to settle in, browse a bit, and leave your comments or questions.

And Aishia, if you happen to stop by, please accept my admiration and applause.

P.S. I'm hopeless at baking. 




Related Info on This Site

Floral style succulent arrangement (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Echeveria Info, Photos & Varieties

Echeveria Info, Photos & Varieties How to grow echeverias perfectly, plus an extensive gallery, all ID’d See All Succulent Types Aeonium Agaves Aloes Cactus Crassula Echeveria Euphorbias Ice Plants Kalanchoe Portulacaria Senecio About Echeverias Here you’ll find expert advice to help you grow echeverias perfectly, with a gallery of 150+ beautiful, notable species and cultivars.…

The post What’s the “Desert Rose Succulent” on Holiday Baking Championship? appeared first on Debra Lee Baldwin. Copyright © Debra Lee Baldwin.

from Debra Lee Baldwin

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022

Are Your Succulents Well Stressed? See 50 Before-and-Afters Amazing tips

Plenty of sun brings out brilliant reds and yellows in certain succulents, but how much to "stress" the plants varies depending on where you live, the time of year, and the kind of plant.

Give aloes and crassulas a bit more heat, sun or cold and less water and richer soil than they really want, and they'll turn brilliant shades of orange, red and yellow. This doesn't harm the plants, which I deem "well-stressed" when they show the brilliant colors they're capable of. A case in point is Aloe nobilis, which in my garden grows in nutrient-poor decomposed granite with minimal water.

Aloe nobilis. Left: winter (cool temps, bright shade). Right: summer (full, hot sun).

In winter, the same plant reverts to green.

Such "stressed" succulents---which survive on moisture in their leaves---are fine. They perk up and send out new growth when the weather cools and the rains return.

Kalanchoe luciae (paddle plant) (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Kalanchoe luciae (paddle plant)

Not all succulents turn shades of red, pink or orange when stressed, in fact, the majority don't. But many common aloes and crassulas do, plus certain kalanchoes, euphorbias, sempervivums, sedums, aeoniums and echeverias. Agaves normally don't; the one above is an exception. The reason is that it's post-bloom and dying, which has revealed the anthocyanin in its tissues.

It's all about anthocyanin

In the same way deciduous trees turn color in autumn, sunset hues become visible. The pigment also is found in berries and fruits---and is considered a powerful antioxidant. Anthocyanins, according to Wikipedia, "are not synthesized until the plant has begun breaking down chlorophyll, it is presumed for photoprotection..." i.e. protection from excess sunlight, much the same way melanin tans skin. Wikipedia also wisely states that "plants with abnormally high anthocyanin quantities are popular as ornamental plants."

How to Stress Your Succulents

After seeing my YouTube video, "How to Stress Your Succulents...and Why You Should," a non-gardening friend observed, "I'd probably stress them so much, they'd croak." Good point. How do you give a succulent the right amount of stress, but not too much? And how do you know which are worth stressing, and which aren't?

Basically, observe the plant. If it's leaves are margined or tipped in red, it's a likely prospect. But if excess heat, sun or cold makes its tips shrivel and turn beigey-gray, it's suffering. Move it to a kinder location, keep the soil moist (but not soggy), and/or repot it. Also check its roots. The problem may be that roots can't access moisture and nutrients, as in the case of a cutting that's sitting atop the soil instead of snugly planted.

Crassula ovata stressed (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Crassula ovata (jade plant) stressed

This specimen of Crassula ovata is beautifully stressed (how's that for an oxymoron?). Its leaves have reddened due to less water than the plant would like plus more cold than jade prefers (frost will turn the leaves to mush, but temperatures near but above freezing reddens them).

Most succulents---especially those with fat, fleshy leaves---can last weeks and sometimes months without water, even in hot sun, nipped by frost, and/or rooted solely in gravel. But eventually they need a respite, lest stress turn life-threatening.

Gallery: Common succulents that redden when stressed


Related Info on this Site:

Succulent FAQs and basic info

Learn more in my book, Succulents Simplified"The Well-Stressed Succulent," pp. 54-55.

Also on my YouTube channel:

Most succulents are sun lovers, but how much do they really need? And what happens if they get too much or too little light? (From my presentation a the Succulent Extravaganza.)
How to Stress Succulents and Why You Should, my first video (now with 80,000 views!) gives additional examples and includes before-and-after photos.

The post Are Your Succulents Well Stressed? See 50 Before-and-Afters appeared first on Debra Lee Baldwin. Copyright © Debra Lee Baldwin.

from Debra Lee Baldwin

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2022

My 70-Succulent Deck Collection Amazing tips

On this page and in my new video you’ll see how I pair treasured succulents with pots that perfectly present them. You’ll get time-tested tips on how to display and enjoy your own collection, including how to select containers, utilize sight lines and focal points, keep potted succulents healthy, and design so guests do a double-take (always a fun goal).

I have about 70 pots on my 250-square-foot deck. Here and in the video I give plant names and mention pot artists. Scroll down to see a gallery with plant IDs.

We succulent collectors invariably have a lot of small pots, many showcasing single specimens. I group small pots to get the same dramatic effect as large pots. One secret is to elevate some of the grouping.

Undersea themed succulent pot

Undersea themed pot atop a metal stand.

Evaluate Your Outdoor Area

I don't fill every square foot of my deck. Guests like to go to the railing and look at the view, so I leave space for them to do so.

The deck has Trex flooring so that moisture from pots doesn’t ruin it, like it did a former deck made of wood. Or maybe I should say I ruined the previous deck!

Options for protecting your wood deck include:

The above are from Amazon (links are affiliate). You also may be able to find them at garden centers. For small pots, I may use metal candle stands from thrift stores. (Note two of them in the photo below, mid-foreground.)

A main sight line from my kitchen is this grouping on the east side of the deck, which gets full morning sun. I provide shade and a backdrop for sun-sensitive plants with golden jade in a 5-gallon black plastic nursery pot. (I'm not a fan of plastic, but black calls almost no attention to itself.)

Pot grouping, east-facing

Pot grouping, east-facing

My L-shaped deck includes an outdoor table that seats four. I like round tables because you can always squeeze in another person. Even though glass needs frequent cleaning, IMHO it looks brighter and airier than wood, metal or stone.

A smaller corner table serves as a handy place to set dishes when dining outdoors. A bonus is it has a shelf visible through the glass. I use it to hold a shallow, round pot of variegated sansevierias. These "snake plants" thrive in a corner that gets no direct sunlight.

Variegated sanseverias (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Variegated sanseverias in the corner table's circular shelf

Consider Sight Lines and Focal Points

Pay attention to how your deck or patio looks when viewed from inside your home through windows and glass doors. Here, I positioned three potted cacti so that sun makes their spines glow. I enjoy looking at them mornings from my kitchen.

Backlit plants

Backlit plants

Focal points are what the eye is drawn to, so aim for pleasing repetitions of color and texture. Avoid emphasizing utilitarian objects like drain spouts or trash bins. A well positioned focal point can actually downplay such things, because it makes the eye linger.

Echeveria pots outside my dining room window get better and better. See how I planted them several years ago. If you already grow echeverias, do watch my video on how to repot and refresh them. Mine are in lightweight plastic pots that look ceramic.

Echeveria collection on deck

Echeveria collection. This year I added Echeveria ‘Arctic Lace’, a new introduction from Altman plants.

Create Continuity

Your containers don’t have to be all the same, in fact, it’s more interesting if they’re not. But it’s smart from a design standpoint if pots have elements of similarity. About a third of mine are one-of-a-kind pots by artists who sell at Cactus & Succulent Society Shows (find links below). Others were gifts or thrift-store finds that I drilled drain holes into. A few came from garden centers.

Stick to a color scheme that works with the setting and echoes colors found within the same sight line. My deck pots are mainly blue, red, green and brown, plus terracotta which goes with everything. No pot has a strong pattern or color that might detract by standing out too much.

To enhance visual continuity throughout my collection, I cover bare dirt with a topdressing of warm-toned pebbles. If you live near a rock supplier that sells retail, buying a 20-pound bag of pebbles from them is much cheaper than ordering online. Atop a few pots, I added glass marbles for a little extra bling and to create interest without being flashy.

Glass marble topdressing

Glass marble topdressing

Collect Pots As Well As Plants

Some of the best succulent pot artists also collect succulents. Because they create pots for their own plants, they have a good sense of scale, proportion, size, glaze colors, textures and how the pots will look when grouped.

Artists whose work I collect include:

As a collector friend says, “The plant has to earn its pot.” If this concept speaks to you, you'll enjoy watching me pair one-of-a-kind, artist-designed pots in YouTube videos.

Pots by Patrice

Pots by Patrice

Understand Light

A well done deck or patio garden showcases your potted collection while ensuring that each plants’ requirements are met. The degree, intensity and even duration of sunlight varies throughout the year. It makes a difference in how your plants grow and look their best year-round.

So, be aware of each plant’s light requirements. On my deck, succulents facing east are the most exposed, and they need to either be tough or I have to cover them---while also providing them with enough light to look their best.

I’ve used a wide, shallow celadon green pot to display a collection of dwarf aloe cultivars. They’re challenging to protect from sun-scorch, especially in summer, while also giving them enough light to color-up. Every few weeks I’ll rotate their container a quarter turn for balanced sun exposure. I may also move it depending on how the little aloes respond to sun throughout the year. My goal is to get them to stress to shades of red and orange without burning.

Dwarf aloe cultivars

Dwarf aloe cultivars

create Visual Interest

About half of my deck pots are elevated on some sort of a stand rather than sitting on the floor. Garden centers often have an assortment of ornamental metal stands.

I place small potted succulents where guests will see them when seated. I want the plants to be so interesting that even people who aren’t into gardening want to know about them.

Below: I splurged on the rippled pot in the foreground because I liked how it repeats the ridges of the euphorbias.

Euphorbia polygona grouping

Euphorbia polygona grouping. Pot at left is by Joe Wujcik. Large rippled pot is by Mark Muradian.

I recently planted graptopetalum cuttings in a terra-cotta pot (upper right) that I bronzed and embellished decades ago. Learn more about these easy-care succulents on my graptopetalum page.

Delight Visitors

I like to include things that make people do a double-take, smile, laugh, or lean in for a closer look. On a shelf below the kitchen window are pots with faces. A little whimsy goes a long way, so I keep the collection understated. Contact paper on the shelf protects it.

Below: The shallow pot with handle-like ears came from the Succulent Café in Carlsbad, north of San Diego; it’s atop a metal stand that resembles bird legs from a thrift store. Flirting with it is a lady pot with donkey-tail hair.

Succulent face pots on outdoor shelf

Face pots on shelf

It's fun to include little discoveries. For example, a dark pot behind it makes the papery white spines of Tephrocactus articulatus stand out.

Tephrocactus articulatus (paper spine cactus) (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Tephrocactus articulatus (paper spine cactus)

Go Vertical

I took advantage of vertical space provided by a floor-to-ceiling post. On three of its sides (not the east side, which is too sunny), I attached flat-backed wall pots (sconces).  They’re small and shallow, so I planted them mostly with cuttings.

Espostola melanostele

Espostola melanostele in a wall pot

Also on the post are sansevierias and tillandsias, as well as an oddity I can’t bring myself to get rid of: a graptosedum that’s thriving on the tip of a shriveled, pendant 12-inch stem.

I hang feeders for finches, titmice, wrens and nuthatches. If I sit still long enough they ignore me and come and go. The feeders are ornamental bird cages. Not only are they decorative, and stand out because they’re white, people do a double take when they see wild birds eagerly entering cages.

A jade in a five-gallon black nursery pot serves as a blind so birds who visit the corner feeder, like doves and jays, feel less exposed. The jade had gotten top-heavy, so I strapped it to the deck railing.

plant care

I water with an expandable hose that doesn’t take up much room. I’m forever grateful for the person who built my house for having a hose bib on the deck.  I water on average once a week, but there's no hard-and-fast rule. It depends on the size of the pot, the type of plant, and the weather.

Expandable hose

Expandable hose

Mealy bugs tend to be a problem in fall. On this site's Pests and Problems page, you'll find information on those and others to watch out for, and how to treat them.

find plants

Mountain Crest Gardens is a top mail-order supplier of small cacti and succulents. Much of my collection came from Oasis Water Efficient Gardens and Waterwise Botanicals nurseries, both in north San Diego County. Find them and many others in my list of Southern CA succulent specialty nurseries and destinations.

I hope you found new and useful ideas on this page and in the video. If you have succulent potting tips of your own to share, please do so in the Comments below!


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Fenestraria aurantiaca (Diana Clark)

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Potted echeveria garden (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Plant an Echeveria Garden in Pots

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The post My 70-Succulent Deck Collection appeared first on Debra Lee Baldwin. Copyright © Debra Lee Baldwin.

from Debra Lee Baldwin

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

Succulent Christmas Tree Holiday Centerpiece Amazing tips

My DIY succulent topiary tree holiday centerpiece needs less care than a floral arrangement, and will look good for several months (longer, if groomed).

DIY succulent topiary tree holiday centerpiece


Topiary cone made of sphagnum moss, 12″ tall (including wooden base)
200 floral pins (or paper clips cut in half with wire cutters)
Clippers or scissors for taking cuttings and shortening stems
Chopstick or a Phillips screwdriver for poking holes in moss

Succulent cuttings (these are suggested, but nearly any kind will work):
Crassula ovata ‘Minima” (mini jade), 60
Sedum nussbaumerianum (Coppertone stonecrop), 30
Sedum rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’, 50
Senecio haworthii, 60

Lazy susan
Crystal corsage pins (around 50)

Senecio rowleyanus (string of pearls plant), 9′ of strands for garland

Note: Product links are affiliate. 


  1. Get cuttings from your garden, potted plants, nursery-grown succulents or online sources. You needn't use the same varieties that I did, but do aim for contrasting colors and textures. Use jade plant (Crassula ovata) as a filler---it's inexpensive and easy to come by. Stay away from blue, blue-gray and lavender succulents because those aren't holiday colors---unless of course that's what you prefer.
  2. Poke holes in the moss. I like to leave a chopstick in the hole so I can find it while I'm selecting the right cutting.
  3. Use larger cuttings around the base, smaller as you go up. I first created a spiral of jade, then filled in with the others. Secure cuttings with floral pins.
  4. I created a garland of string-of-pearls. Resist the temptation to decorate the little tree with vivid ornaments, thereby making it all about them and not about the succulents. I think the crystal corsage pins (second photo below) hit just the right note.

DIY succulent topiary tree holiday centerpiece

Caring for your succulent Christmas tree

Its requirements are similar to those of a succulent wreath: bright but not intense light (rotate occasionally for even exposure), weekly watering (from the top, to evenly moisten the moss), and pinching back if cuttings get leggy.

Can you keep it for next year? I tried to, but the silver senecio is a weak plant, the jade took over, and the sedums got leggy. Plus the florist's pins rust. It's too much trouble, IMHO. The moss cone doesn't cost that much.


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The post Succulent Christmas Tree Holiday Centerpiece appeared first on Debra Lee Baldwin. Copyright © Debra Lee Baldwin.

from Debra Lee Baldwin