miércoles, 24 de enero de 2024

What Grow Lights Do You Use? Amazing tips

If you grow succulents indoors, what lighting do you recommend?

Kristen R in Philadelphia is asking how to keep her indoor succulents colorful, specifically what lighting works best. "I have a ton of grow lights keeping them alive, but I'm really looking for their bright colors to come back!"

At present I don't use grow lights, but I did research them several years ago, and the best I came up with is Hydrofarm FLT44 System 4' Fluorescent. Kristen also asked about Barrina* grow lights, which seem to be the latest and greatest, but pricey.

I'm out of my depth here, yet I may soon attempt indoor cultivation too. I'd like to grow tropical succulents (specifically, hoyas) that don't do well in the open garden---it's too cold in winter here in the foothills of Southern CA, Zone 9b, and too dry and hot in summer. WWYD?

Would you share your suggestions in a comment below, so others can see and learn from them as well? Thanks! 

*Links are affiliate 

How to Keep Succulents Happy Indoors

Indoor Succulents Tips to help your succulents thrive inside If you love succulents but have no way to grow them outdoors, good news: Numerous varieties thrive indoors. Below are cultivation tips and a photo gallery of 40+ indoor succulents that are readily available. >> Jump down to the photo gallery Place your succulents near a…

The post What Grow Lights Do You Use? appeared first on Debra Lee Baldwin. Copyright © Debra Lee Baldwin.

from Debra Lee Baldwin https://ift.tt/eT5rx8G

Grow Calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora, Purslane) Amazing tips

Gray-green calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora) shrubs sit quietly, building their strength, from late summer until spring. Then, like the fireworks they resemble, they explode with neon-bright blooms.

Here and in my new video you'll find out how to keep calandrinia healthy and flowering, and how to use it to enhance your own garden.

Calandrinia, about the name (Debra Lee Baldwin)

Calandrinia is native to Chile. Rising above its oval, gray-green leaves float masses of magenta, poppylike flowers. Buds along spaghetti-thin, branching stems open successively.

Calandrinia (Cisthanthe grandiflora, rock purslane) in bloom (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

The 2- to 3-foot-tall flower stems of calandrinia are unusual among succulents.

Shrubs attain a height of one to two feet, and under ideal conditions spread 3 to 4 feet.

Calandrinia (rock purslane, Cistanthe grandiflora) out of bloom (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

This is how calandrinia looks out of bloom, in midwinter...

Calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora, rock purslane) in full bloom (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

...and here's the same plant in spring.

Incidentally, calandrinia is good for gardens plagued by deer and rabbits. Neither eat it.

Calandrinia care and cultivation

This South American succulent's requirements are much the same as those of common and popular South African succulents, such as aloes, kalanchoes, jades and haworthias. However, calandrinia prefers being in the ground, not in pots. Its roots need room to spread.

Fertilizer that boosts blooms in succulents (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Calandrinia is a "heavy feeder," a nursery term. I like time-release fertilizers, and Osmocote Plus is a good one for flowering ornamentals. (Affiliate link)

Calandrinia also is more cold-hardy (down to 20F) compared to similar-looking, leafy shrub succulents that melt at 32F.

  • Deadheading: When blooms are spent and no buds remain, cut stems where they emerge from plants. This tidies the shrubs and encourages repeat blooming.
  • Pruning: During winter dormancy, keep plants compact by trimming them a third to a half their height. Stems will branch where cut and send forth new leaves followed by flowers.
  • Propagation: A bonus of pruning are cuttings you can use to fill garden gaps.

Light, heat, soil, fertilizer, water

Calandrinia needs sun to bloom and thrive, but to get the amount it needs, it has to be out in the open, which---depending on where you live---may expose it to too much sun, especially in summer.

Case in point: I’m nine miles inland from the Pacific at 1,500 feet, and although I do grow calandrinia in my garden, it's clearly happier nearer the coast. When summer temps rise above 90 degrees, it loses some of its leaves, and flowering ceases.

The succulent plant calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora) is surrounded by a crushed rock topdressing (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Surround the plants with mulch or a crushed-rock topdressing to keep weed growth down and hold moisture in the soil. Topdressing will enhance the look of your garden, too.


Stressed succulent calandrinia turns red (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Given too much sun, calandrinia stresses to shades of rose. The redder the leaves, the slower the growth, and the fewer the flowers.

  • Rich soil helps promote lush foliage and a better bloom show. Amend garden soil with compost, or dig a planting hole twice the diameter of the nursery pot and backfill with commercial bagged potting soil.
  • Improve drainage and soil aeration with pumice or perlite (approximately 20 to 30 percent of the soil mix).
  • Water regularly. A good soaking once a week (twice weekly during heat waves) should be adequate, providing roots don't sit in soggy soil.

Where to put calandrinia in your garden

All flowers grow in the direction of greatest sun, a phototropic tendency especially noticeable in those with tall, skinny bloom spikes.

Calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora) in my garden © Debra Lee Baldwin

I inadvertently planted calandrinia where its flowers later blocked a pathway. I didn't anticipate they'd lean toward morning sun.

Keep contrast and repetition in mind

It’s eye-catching to combine complimentary colors, and when it comes to calandrinia’s neon magenta, that means yellow or yellow-green flowers and foliage---the brighter the better.

Contrast calandrinia with yellow-flowering succulents such as Sedum rubrotinctum, aeoniums, and Lampranthus 'Lemon' ice plant. Calandrinia also looks amazing with anything orange, like aloe spires, California poppies, and Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Sticks on Fire’.

Landscape filled with Calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora, purslane) with blue Senecio mandraliscae and dark burgundy Aeonium 'Zwartkop' (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

This succulent landscape includes calandrinia, blue Senecio mandraliscae, orange nasturtiums and aeoniums. At center is Aeonium ‘Zwartkop’ with conical yellow flowers and dark burgundy leaves. Francesca Filanc garden, Rancho Santa Fe, CA

Magenta Calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora, rock purslane) in bloom with magenta lamprathus ice plant (both succulents) (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

In a stunning example of repetition, Lampranthus productus ice plant echoes calandrinia's magenta flowers.

Should it go in the front...

Calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora, rock purslane) and Agave attenuata (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Used as a foreground plant, calandrinia suggests a beaded curtain. Behind it is Agave attenuata. 

...or the back of your garden?

In the streetside garden below, Jeff Moore of Solana Succulents nursery used calandrinia as an airy background plant. It draws the eye into a landscape that flows around boulders and rock pathways. 

Succulent landscape with tree aloes, calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora) and Portulacaria afra (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Calandrinia's butterfly-like flowers float behind aloes, agaves, echeverias, barrel cacti, blue Senecio mandraliscae, Aeonium 'Zwartkop', red-flowering Euphorbia milii, and mounding Portulacaria afra.

P.S. Like this garden? See more of it in the video. ;+)

Got a pool? Get calandrinia!

As with most nonspiny succulents, calandrinia makes a good-looking, debris-free landscape enhancement alongside swimming pools.

Its flowers glow beautifully when backlit, and (gasp) are gorgeous mirrored in still water.

Calandrinia (Cisthanthe grandiflora flowers backlit poolside with lacy shadows (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Can you tell the direction of greatest sunlight? And look at those lacy shadows!

These two pool photos and the photo at the top of the page are of the garden of Ken and Barbara Kubarych, Del Mar, CA.

Create a "desert" garden

Calandrinia grandiflora and euphorbias create the look of a desert landscape with wildflowers (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Calandrinia planted amid columnar succulents (here, Euphorbia ammak) suggests desert wildflowers in spring. Peggy Petitmermet garden, San Diego

Look for 'Jazz Time'

Find calandrinia (don't forget, it's officially Cistanthe grandiflora) late winter through spring at garden centers and succulent specialty nurseries.

Calandrinia 'Jazz Time' (photo: Waterwise Botanicals)

Cistanthe grandiflora (Calandrinia spectabilis) 'Jazz Time' Photo: Waterwise Botanicals nursery

I've heard that the Cistanthe grandiflora cultivar ‘Jazz Time’ is tougher and longer-lived than the species. Maybe you can tell the difference; to me it looks the same.

Now it's your turn...

As alwlays, your comments and questions are most welcome! Do let me know if you found this helpful, and share your own experiences with this lovely Chilean succulent.

Related Info on This Site

Colorful Succulent Garden (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

A Colorful Succulent Garden to Copy

You could easily copy this colorful succulent garden at Weidner’s nursery in Encinitas, CA. It’s a three-dimensional showcase of succulents superbly suited to mild, frost-free regions. Most of the plants are readily available, and all are in my book, Designing with Succulents.  

Debra Lee Baldwin with Echeveria imbricata and climbing roses (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Create a “Flower” Bed with Rosette Succulents

Easy-care rosette succulents resemble flowers and bloom beautifully too! Use them to create the look of a flowerbed without all the care and maintenance flowerbeds require. In the Idea Gallery below, see many marvelous images of garden beds, pots and planters full of rosette succulents. All photos have main succulents ID’d. May they spark your creativity…

The post Grow Calandrinia (Cistanthe grandiflora, Purslane) appeared first on Debra Lee Baldwin. Copyright © Debra Lee Baldwin.

from Debra Lee Baldwin https://ift.tt/w29Fq3c

jueves, 4 de enero de 2024

About Aloe arborescens (torch aloe) Amazing tips

One of the most widely grown succulents in California from the coast to the foothills is Aloe arborescens (torch aloe).

There’s no need to buy it. It’s so common, it’s a “pass-along plant,” meaning friendly neighbors who grow it will likely give you cuttings.

But before you go knocking on doors, here’s what you need to know to grow Aloe arborescens and keep it thriving.

Easy-care aloe

Aloe arborescens is from southeastern Africa. Its found from Mozambique to Cape Town in South Africa---regions climactically similar to California from the Bay Area to San Diego.

This is one of the easiest landscape succulents. Aloe arborescens doesn’t get unmanageably large, although the species name means "treelike."

Beach garden w Aloe arborescens

Beach garden with Aloe arborescens

It isn’t treelike at all. Rather, rosettes form a multi-headed colony over time, which can be as tall as 7 feet when in bloom. Such mounds are easy to whack back. Discard the cuttings, tuck them into garden gaps, or pass them along.

A beach-lover

These dramatic plants do fine exposed to salt spray.

Aloe arborescens grows atop cliffs in Laguna Beach, CA

Aloe arborescens in Laguna Beach, CA

I think of Aloe arborescens as "the Laguna Beach aloe," because it has naturalized along the cliff-top walkways of that city by the sea.

Those flowers!

Even as a child, I was fascinated by the flowers. Two-foot-tall coral-red spires of elongated, beadlike buds attract bees and hummingbirds.

Orange aloe flowers and yellow daisies against a blue sky, Laguna Beach, CA (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Aloe arborescens flowers contrast with blue sky and yellow euryops daisies

Against a blue sky, torch aloe flowers are unforgettable.

Best of all, like the majority of aloes, arborescens blooms midwinter, when little else is going on in the garden.

Gel and teeth

The gel is harmless but can stain clothing. Like its famous relative, Aloe vera, the gel of Aloe arborescens can be used medicinally, although I don’t recommend it. It’s a purgative, meaning it’ll cause cramping and rapidly clear out your digestive tract (!)

Aloe arborescens gel shown in a split-open leaf (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Aloe arborescens gel in a split-open leaf

Toothed edges of aloes look intimidating but are no more likely to draw blood than prickles of hardened wax...which they look and feel like.


Torch aloe's gel-filled leaves and tendency to form dense mounds make it an effective firebreak.

Several years ago I conducted an informal experiment (see my video, Do Succulents Burn?). I placed cuttings of various commonly-grown succulents from my garden onto a blazing fire. Without exception, they charred but didn't catch fire nor did they transmit it. Basically, the plants cooked.

How to test a succulent to see if it'll burn Aloe arborescens on fire pit (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

I tested the flammability of Aloe arborescens on a gas-flame fire pit.

I'm not claiming that Aloe arborescens or other succulents can prevent a home from burning. Only that their high moisture content makes them significantly more fire-retardant than thin-leaved, woody plants.

I'm not alone in considering them a must-have plant for wildfire-prone areas of California---ideally planted around a property's perimeter. Fire prevention agencies recommend aloes too.

How to start cuttings

Aloe arborescens starts readily from cuttings. Slice the stem about a foot below the top of a rosette. Dig a hole big enough to hold the stem upright, insert it, and firm the soil around it. In a few weeks, roots will grow and anchor the plant.

How to take an aloe cutting (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

In the video, I demonstrate taking a cutting. This one came from the outer, lower part of the mound.

Succulent cuttings can't grow without roots, but they won’t die without them either. At least, not for a long time. Cuttings of aloes are typical; they live off the moisture in their leaves---which btw is the definition of a succulent.

Soil, water, fertilizer

In a mild climate, an established colony of Aloe arborescens can get by on rainfall. However, the plants will be more lush and healthier if hosed every few weeks in summer and fall.

Aloe arborescens doesn’t require rich soil, as long as it’s well draining. Nor does it need fertilizing or irrigation. But it doesn’t mind them either, in fact, it grows more vigorously when pampered.

Aloe grown indoors with inadequate light flattens its leaves (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

An aloe indoors with inadequate light

Aloes---most plants for that matter---need sunshine in order to bloom and photosynthesize. They tend to sulk as houseplants, flattening their leaves to expose maximum surface area to available light.

Sun and heat

Along the coast, Aloe arborescens wants all-day sun; farther inland, some protection from scorching afternoon sun in summer and frosty nights below 25 degrees F in winter.

You won’t see Aloe arborescens in the desert, except perhaps in dappled shade, because summer sun and heat are too strong.


Alhough most often green-leaved and orange-flowered, Aloe arborescens has sub-varieties that collectors consider cool.

Aloe arborescens 'Lutea' (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Aloe arborescens 'Lutea'

For example, Aloe arborescens ‘Lutea’ has yellow flowers; and leaves of Aloe arborescens ‘Variegata’ (my favorite) are striped green-and-cream.

Aloe arborescens 'Variegata' has green and cream stripes (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Isn't Aloe arborescens 'Variegata' gorgeous?

Pests and problems

The biggest concern with aloes, regardless of species or variety, is a microscopic mite that infests the tissues. It causes cancer-like growth that resembles tree burls.

Aloe mite on Aloe arborescens 'Variegata' (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Aloe arborescens 'Variegata' exhibiting aloe mite

Such growths have an intriguing weirdness, but please do us all a favor and remove them to keep the mite from spreading.

Aloe flower distorted by Aloe mite (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Aloe flowers distorted by aloe mite

Remove deformed flowers as well, because mites travel on air currents. And don’t pass along cuttings of infested plants. Once an aloe has the mite, it always has it.

The only other problem I’ve encountered during decades of growing Aloe arborescens in my Zone 9b garden northeast of San Diego, was that after a particularly rainy winter, numerous leaves had dark, pitted spots.

Aloe with fungal disease (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Black pitted areas on leaves indicate a fungal disease

I cut the plants back to healthy growth, discarded anything diseased, drenched stems and remaining leaves with copper fungicide, and in six months the plants grew back better than ever.


If you love aloes---and Aloe arborescens in particular---and have observations to share or questions to ask, by all means do so below in the Comments or on my corresponding YouTube video.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Related Info on this site

Aloe petricola (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Aloes: Uses, Photos, IDs & Varieties

Aloes: How To Grow & Varieties All about aloes plus a photo gallery of aloes ID’d and in bloom See All Succulent Types Aeonium Agaves Aloes Cactus Crassula Echeveria Euphorbias Ice Plants Kalanchoe Portulacaria Senecio About Aloes There are dozens of species of Aloe, from tall trees to dwarf cultivars. Aloes typically have juicy, triangular leaves…

Which Aloes Are Best for Your Garden?

One of Southern CA’s in-demand landscape designers, Bill Schnetz of Schnetz Landscape, Inc., likes to use aloes of all sizes in residential gardens. If you love succulents, live in a mild climate, and grow these South Africans in soil that drains well, “they’ll soon become your favorite plants,” Bills says. For a natural setting, he suggests…

Red Aloe ferox, stressed (c) Debra Lee Baldwin

Midwinter Succulent Show: Big Aloes In Bloom

Above: Aloe ferox at Desert Theater nursery, Escondido, CA. From my video, Spectacular Aloes in Flower. Large, sculptural aloes with brilliant, Popsicle-like flowers make striking garden plants. Midwinter is peak aloe bloom season and an excellent time to see them in nurseries and landscapes. Aloe ferox, or Cape Aloe, might be considered a tree because of its height at maturity–6 to 8 feet with bloom…

The post About Aloe arborescens (torch aloe) appeared first on Debra Lee Baldwin. Copyright © Debra Lee Baldwin.

from Debra Lee Baldwin https://ift.tt/EFa1zMk